We build meaningful partnerships within the UW–Madison Community, State of Wisconsin, and across the globe to bring transformative learning experiences to all. Our partners include school districts, community centers, and statewide organizations.
There are many ways you can support us in creating innovative and engaging programs. Email us at place@education.wisc.edu to inquire about partnership and sponsor opportunities.
UW-Madison School of Education Partners
Other Partners
- Allied Drive Learning Center
- Arboretum
- Arts Collab
- Arts Education Roundtable
- CESAs (Cooperative Educational Service Agencies)
- Chazen Art Museum
- Children’s Cooperative Book Center (CCBC)
- The Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI)
- The College Board
- Division of Continuing Studies
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Public Instruction
- Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA)
- Division of the Arts
- DTL 2021 Conference
- East Madison Community Center
- Elver Park
- Emerson Elementary
- English Department
- Ensuring the Arts for Any Given Child
- Falk Elementary
- Gear Learning
- Goodman Community Center
- Leopold Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Lowell Elementary
- Lussier Community Education Center
- Madison Country Day School
- Madison Community Montessori School
- Madison Metropolitan School District
- Madison Public Libraries
- Madison Youth Arts Center
- Mendota Elementary
- Middleton Youth Center
- Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN)
- National Writing Project
- Northport Community Learning Center
- Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives (OMAI)
- Olbrich Botanical Gardens
- Orchard Ridge Elementary
- Overture Center for the Arts
- Packer Community Learning Center
- PBS Wisconsin Education
- Sandburg Elementary
- Schenk Elementary
- School of Medicine and Public Health
- Stephens Elementary
- Thoreau Elementary
- UW System
- Vera Court Neighborhood Center
- Wisconsin Advanced Placement Council (WAPAC)
- Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English
- Wisconsin School Districts
- Wisconsin State Reading Association
- Writing Center