Sandra Taylor-Marshall

Credentials: BA, MS

Position title: Outreach Program Manager


Phone: 608-261-1932

225 N. Mills Street
Suite #264
Madison, WI 53706

Sandra Taylor-Marshall headshot 800x800

Sandra is an Outreach Program Manager at PLACE who develops and facilitates programs with UW-Madison faculty that exemplify the Wisconsin Idea in action. For example, she designed the Coalition for Leading Anti-Racist Schools with Dr. Anjalé Welton, which utilizes job-embedded coaching to support educators and organizational leaders engaging in an anti-racist cycle of inquiry. A passionate leader and coach, Sandra strives to create high quality, engaging experiences that utilize job-embedded coaching, advance equity, and integrate authentic opportunities to put research into practice. A former PK-5 literacy coordinator, instructional coach, classroom teacher, and interventionist, Sandra earned her Master of Science degree in Education with an emphasis on reading. She received her reading specialist license from Concordia University Wisconsin.