Nancy Fenton

Nancy Fenton, MA, teaches at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, and online for the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. She earned her BA in History and Secondary Education at Northeastern Illinois University, an MA in Psychology, and an MA in curriculum and instruction from National Louis University. She has taught AP Psychology since 2006 and has served as a reader for the AP exam since 2008, a table leader since 2017, and a College Board consultant since 2014.
Ms. Fenton recorded daily live YouTube AP Psychology review sessions on the AP YouTube Channel of the College Board and worked on AP Classroom questions. She was awarded the American Psychological Association (APA) Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) Excellence in Teaching Award for teaching and advancing psychology. She has served as a member of the TOPSS board and worked on numerous APA initiatives, including the National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula’s performance indicators and several TOPSS Psychology Unit Lesson Plans. She has served on the advisory board for multiple editions of the Myers-Dewall AP Psychology textbook and has worked on several other psychology textbooks and test banks. She is co-author of the blog Books for Psychology Class and the iScore5TM Psych app. Nancy Fenton is co-author of the Crash Course AP United States Government and Politics review book. She is working on the Crash Course AP Psychology review book created for the course redesign and writing updated questions for AP Classroom.