Alex Gee
Position title: CEO, Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development; Senior Pastor, Fountain of Life Covenant Church, Inc.

The Rev. Dr. Alex Gee is the lead pastor of Fountain of Life Covenant Church, a multiracial, multigenerational, and multi-class congregation in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is the most tenured senior pastor in the city. He is also the host of the “Black Like Me” podcast. In 1992, Gee pioneered the Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development, a non-profit organization that inspires, develops, and mobilizes emerging African American leaders to become partners in revitalizing and transforming our community. These two organizations work together to reveal grace and hope in every sector of the community. Gee is passionate about promoting inspiration, transformation, and justice for disenfranchised African American people and for the benefit of the entire city.