Richard Halverson
Credentials: BA, MA, PhD
Position title: Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Phone: (608) 265-4772

Richard Halverson is the Associate Dean for Innovation, Outreach, and Partnerships and Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education. He oversees the School of Education’s work in developing innovative programs and professional learning opportunities. His research aims to bring the methods and practices of the Learning Sciences to the world of educational leadership and interactive media. Dr. Halverson is the founder of the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning project (CALL), and was a co-founder and co-director the Games + Learning + Society Research Center. He is a former high school teacher and administrator. Dr. Halverson earned a master’s degree in philosophy and a doctorate in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University. He is co-author, with Allan Collins, of “Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America” and “Mapping Leadership: The Tasks that Matter for Improving Teaching and Learning in Schools,” co-authored with Carolyn Kelley.