Sarah Klein
Credentials: BA
Position title: Interim Executive Director
Phone: (608) 265-3553
225 N. Mills Street
Suite #264
Madison, WI 53706

Sarah Klein leads PLACE: Professional Learning and Community Education as Executive Director, working closely with leadership, faculty, and staff within the School of Education to move forward a re-imagined vision for PLACE: transformative learning for all. Sarah’s career has traversed both the private and public sector, which provides her with a unique perspective and unfailing pragmatism. Past positions include Scheduling Director to Governor Jim Doyle and Deputy Director of Financial Management at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), where she helped to establish sound financial controls over a $6B biennial budget. Sarah was appointed as Division Administrator to the Public Service Commission in 2007, making her one of the youngest women in the state to hold such a position. There, she worked effectively with leadership and senior colleagues to shape the direction of the Commission and led the creation of the State Broadband Office. Prior to her public service, Sarah worked as a copyeditor and writer in Milwaukee.