Andy Kuemmel

Andy Kuemmel was a member of the first AP CS Principles Test Development Committee and has continued to help set the direction of the course. He taught AP CS Principles in 2011 as a Pilot Instructor at West High School in Madison, WI, where he created his own CSP curriculum and taught it to over 60 students per year. He authored several College Board documents, including a CS Principles Course Planning and Pacing Guide, a CS Principles Sample Syllabus, and solutions to the 2016 Practice Exam. He has served as a reader and table leader for the CS Principles reading and is a contributing CS Principles question writer for ETS. Andy also has served as the College Board CS Principles Teacher Community Moderator and as a College Board CS Principles Online Mentor.
After 30 years of teaching high school, Andy took a position as a Teaching Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he teaches their version of CS Principles, as well as Into to Data Science in Python. Andy presents at several AP Summer Institutes and provides professional development for teachers in his home state of Wisconsin.