Early Career Educator Academy

Hosted by the Greater Madison Writing Project, this weeklong academy is specifically geared towards those of you in the first five years of your teaching careers and is devoted to helping you find your path to sustainable teaching. Experienced GMWP Fellows from across grade levels and content areas will lead a week of collaborative exploration into habits of resilience and professional renewal, including mindfulness, joy, and empowerment. You will have the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops, roundtable discussions, and activities to help you develop habits and practices for thriving in the teaching profession.

What is sustainable teaching? It is the process of fostering self-compassion and renewal in educators who, in turn, support the growth and development of students. Sustainable teaching puts educators first with the goal of creating a collaborative community that values an integrated approach to education and enables all participants to thrive.

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If you have questions about the Early Career Educator Academy, please email Greater Madison Writing Project Director Mark Dziedzic at mdziedzic@wisc.edu.